Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Outside the Box

Five Lessons on Teaching From Angry Birds that Have Nothing Whatsoever to do With Parabolas | Oct. 3, 2011

Wonderful thinking from Dan Meyer, as always.

Math On Call

Too Many Teachers Can't Do Math | Sept. 29, 2011

An article about the difficulties many teachers have with math and the lack of any real training available in teacher's college.

It is difficult to read this kind of thing, largely because there is a lot of truth to it. Not necessarily that teachers struggle with math, for the most part, the math in elementary is basic enough that most teachers grasp it. The problem is with the discovery curriculum, as mentioned in the article, and the fierce resistance from teacher's colleges to actually teach anyone how to teach.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Study Hard

An article about the extreme competitiveness in S. Korea, and the proliferation of after hours private schools that often run late into the evenings.

Achievement Gap

Super People | Oct. 1, 2011

An article about how applicants to elite schools are more qualified and capable than ever.

Boards are coping with low achievement, under-achievers, and difficult students. The news (good news?) is that they're not dragging down the high achievers. If anything, the achievement/abilities gap is wider than ever, making it all the more difficult for low achievers to make they're way in the world.

Buyer Beware

Inflating the Software Report Card | Oct. 8, 2011

The article reveals that claims made by publishers of ed. software are often greatly over-optimistic. It's another article examining the difficulties with integrating tech in shools. Technology is crucial, and teachers need to understand it's potential, but also it's limitations. Instructional websites and software cannot replace a good teacher, and boards need to be wary before buying into an (expensive) new program.


New Haven’s Teacher Improvement Plan | Sept. 25, 2011

"...union took a bold step last year in agreeing to a new teacher evaluation system that aims to reward excellent teaching and to retrain or remove poor performers. The first year’s promising results...:

And we're back

That was a long summer break.